More than just entertainment

Private Network (GPN).

Curated for Hospital Patients and Families

The GPN is a completely new entertainment, learning and social experience — accessible on any device, anywhere in the hospital. Get the latest movies, live streams from popular content creators, songs, music videos and games — all carefully curated for hospital patients and their families.

Safe & Secure Clinical Content

The GPN is a private network of clinical content, so patients and their families can stay informed about their care, as well as general educational and tutorial content from trusted providers. And more – like, a whole lot more.

Improving Patient Experiences

GPN has been specifically designed to address four gaps that exist within the patient experience: social isolation, infrequent learning opportunities, a lack of safe and stimulating content, and dull and confusing clinical content.


By focusing on exclusive curated content and an innovative technology platform that lets patients, families, and caregivers access content from any device, anywhere in the hospital, GPN is uniquely positioned to improve the patient experience and increase patient satisfaction.


Hospital Locations

The GPN is the result of our team visiting 250 hospitals, interviewing staff members over lunch about what caregivers need to serve all children better.


Years of Work

GameChanger Charity was founded by Jim Carol and his son Taylor in 2007, prompted by Taylor’s inspiring survival from pediatric cancer. Through the years the need became clear and the GPN was born.

Contact Us

Are you a hospital wanting GameChanger Private Network?

GPN uses a BRING-YOUR-OWN-DEVICE model that reduces support and maintenance costs, while allowing patients to consume content on devices that are most comfortable to them. After GPN has been implemented, anyone in the hospital can consume content anywhere in the hospital without worrying about wires or restrictive hardware.

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